Requests For Prayer

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Pray for Deliverance

Please pray for me to get my mind renewed and feed my spirit man, and get delivered from my own destruction/ Thanks, Dennis

Pray for Deliverance

Pray for Sister

Please pray for me to learn to cast my cares on the Lord and stop trying to dictate to god my will. Thank you, Carol Ann

Pray for Sister

Pray for Brother

Thank you for the reminder on getting my mind on Jesus and not on my life, so I can learn to speak good news over my own Life, and choose peace. Thanks again, Andrew

Pray for Brother

Pray for Faith

Please pray for Kerry who keeps rehearsing her problems but never laying hold on Gods Promises for her Health. Pray she will begin to grow her FAITH in those promises and pray the Lord will renew her as the eagle. Thank you Elaine

Pray for Faith

Pray for Victory

Thanks for the rebuke on getting to know Jesus and what he already Did for us so I can stand on the Victory and get him out of my life. I need to grow up spiritually and learn more about him / God Bless you Emma

Pray for Victory

Thank You

Thank you for reminding me that my Faith is according to how well I know Jesus as my healer/ Pray for my Faith to arise in him taking care of me like he promised as I need healing in my spin. Pray I can wait on the Lord to take care of me. Thank you again, Tamara

Thank You

Pray for Peace

Please pray for me to stop living in emotional bondage to Steven, and cast that care on the Lord and move on and get my own Life in Gods order. Pray I can get some wisdom on how to move on. Thank you, Tiffany

Pray for Peace

Pray for Peace

Please pray for me to learn how to stop confessing defeat and learn how to stand in the armor of God and get the lies of the devil out of my life. Thanks for reminding me the enemy was defeated and I am destroyed due to my lack of knowledge/ Pray I can grow spiritually and get my Faith in his Victory. Thank you, Alexadrious

Pray for Peace

Pray for Faith

Please pray for me to get out of the bondage life Iam living in and see the Lord taking care of me and helping me to move on and choose peace. My situation is very messed up and I need another place to live/ Pray for me to learn how to live by Faith. Thanks, Dee

Pray for Faith

Pray for Liberty

Thank you for the direction on just getting on my own Journey of following Jesus, and get out of bondage even to my wife who is creating bondage. Pray I can move on daily with Jesus and be about his wisdom, knowing he will take care of mine. God Bless you, Larry

Pray for Liberty

Pray for Healing

Please pray for My Mom, she is having complications after open heart surgery. She is retaining fluid, making it hard to breathe and low oxygen levels. Thank you Robbie

Pray for Healing

Pray for Sister

Thank you for the encouragement on keeping my eyes on Jesus and growing in his grace. God Bless Gaston  

Pray for Sister

Pray for Victory

Please continue to pray for our daughter Zy who is in prison by wrong identity/ Pray for our Faith to arise to see the Lord standing up for her help and honoring his word as we stand on it/ Thank you for the prayers that he is our Judge Jury and advocate. Pray for Victory. God Bless you, Kevin

Pray for Victory

Pray for Strength

Praise the Lord for your wisdom and prayers on me getting more of my everlasting life Now. Pray I can beignet hear more from Jesus now and see him quickening me by his Spirit to renew me as the eagle, Iam very weak and ill and need health and comfort restored to my body. God Bless you, Sarah

Pray for Strength

Thank You

Thank you for reminding me to get out of emotional bondage to a person I work for, and seeking more of Jesus and his plan for my life. Pray I can begin to get some wisdom on how to choose Peace and pursue it/ God Bless your counsel, Shay

Thank You


Thanks so much for your guidance and prayers on getting my life in Gods order and getting out of my own destructions. I want to live a Holy life, and stop living in the flesh. Pray I can begin to do that. thanks again Mir


Pray for Sister

Please pray for me to begin to hear his voice, Iam not hearing, I am way behind in time of just rehearsing the problem, not the promises. Pray I can begin to hear. Thank you, Elaine

Pray for Sister

Pray for Sister

Thank you for the reminder to keep my Joy and stand on the Victory and stop downgrading god with bad news. Pray I can begin to be like David and offer up Praise and thanksgiving. Thanks Becky  

Pray for Sister

Pray for Peace

Please pray for me to get on my own Journey of following Jesus and seeking those things which are above, not beneath. Pray I can up grade my mind to heavenly places and stop looking at low places/ I want to move on. Thank you, Kieret

Pray for Peace

Pray for Victory

Please pray for me to grow up spiritually and learn how to stand in the armor of God and get the enemy under my feet. I need some help in this battle, Iam clueless. Thank you, Matthew

Pray for Victory

Pray for Victory

Praise the Lord for your guidance and words of Faith. Pray for me to grow up spiritually and learn how to stand in Jesus armor against the wiles of the devil. Pray I can begin to know him better so I can know he overcame the world. Thanks so much, Alex

Pray for Victory

Pray for Joy

Praise Jesus for your wonderful counsel and prayers. Thank you for the future inspiration of moving on day by day with the Lord, and staying on my own Journey and not looking back. Pray I can continue to move on. Bless you, Michelle

Pray for Joy

Pray for Brother

Thanks for the encouragement and prayers as I need to get more of Jesus and stay at liberty to sit at his feet not entangle myself with burdens and works. Pray I can learn to make the choice for Liberty. Thanks again, Jason

Pray for Brother

Pray for Healing

Please keep me in prayer for my Healing and comfort of knowing he will restore health and comfort unto me. Thanks again, Adam  

Pray for Healing


Thank you so much for your guidance and prayers on how to get my life in Gods order and learn to grow my Faith in his promises. I am really in lack and need my Faith to grow in his grace. Thanks again for the help on how to do that, Jenny


Pray for Brother

Praise the Lord for the prayers for my shoulder/ Pray I can learn to stand on healing promises and see him restoring health and comfort unto me. God Bless you, Nakenly

Pray for Brother

Pray for Brother

Thank you for the reminder to get my mind on things above and seek more of Jesus knowing he will take care of it all. Pray I can grow more in his grace, and follow him, Thanks again. Shawn

Pray for Brother

Pray for Faith

Please pray for me to get my mind renewed to good news about my children, and begin to choose peace, and cast the care of my daughter on the Lord. I need to learn how to stand on the promises, Thank you, Dorothy

Pray for Faith

Pray for Victory

Please pray for my wife Jennifer who is sick and needs a touch from the Lord/ Pray for me to get my mind renewed to the things of the Spirit so I can cast down vain imaginations that are troubling me. Pray I can begin to grow spiritually. Thank you, David

Pray for Victory

Pray for Deliverance

Please pray for me to stop talking the problem and learn how to stand on the Promise, I am defeated and I guess I have no Faith in what Jesus already Promised me. I need help.. Thank you, Paulette

Pray for Deliverance

Pray for Healing

Please continue to keep Doris lifted up for healing her back, she slipped and fell. Pray the Lord will renew her as the eagle and restore her comfort. God Bless you, Sabrina

Pray for Healing

Thank You

Thanks so much for helping to hear his grace and know I can repent and get my life right with the Lord. Pray I can begin to grow in his word and learn to know Jesus more, and seek his wisdom, I do not want to live in religious mumbo jumbo, I want to know Jesus. Thanks again for your help, Richard

Thank You

Pray for Direction

Pray for me to grow spiritually and learn how to stand in the armor of God and Decree Victory and know how to do that by FAITH. I need to know more about JESUS and his Victory since I am so defeated/ Pray I can learn to stand, thanks for the direction, Stephen

Pray for Direction

Pray for Comfort

Please continue to pray for my comfort and healing of all my wounds as I just lost a baby. Thank you for the prayers, Tiara

Pray for Comfort

Pray for Sister

Praise the Lord for the dream interpretation and helping me to keep my Joy and choose Peace. I will stay out of emotional bondage to family and seek his wisdom to stay on my own path. God Bless you, Tamika  

Pray for Sister


Thank you for your prayers and guidance on moving on into the everlasting future of following Jesus day by day/ I need out of emotional bondage to man, and a turn around to move on. Pray I can choose peace and close the door on this drama. God Bless you, Paula


Pray for Healing

Please pray for me I need the Lord to restore Health and comfort unto me, and renew me as the eagle. Thank you, Tonya

Pray for Healing

Pray for Victory

Please continue to pray for my Husband who is falsley accused and in Jail. Pray the Lord will stand up for his help and cast down the accuser and set the captive free. Pray we can see the Lord standing up for his help and making this storm a calm. Thank you, Joy

Pray for Victory

Pray for Peace

Thanks so much for your delightful encouragement and prayers. I will just allow the Holy Spirit to perfect all that concerns my life as I take this Job, but allow the Lord to make away for something better. God Bless your counsel sister, Minnie

Pray for Peace

Pray for Faith

Would you please pray for us t We need expedited miracles of provision in all areas to chase us down so that we can overflow and bless those God leads us to. Thank you very much Michelle

Pray for Faith

Pray for Liberty

Thank you for the Prayers for our future here in the USA. Pray we can Hear Gods Voice and seek to follow him into our own Future Day by Day/ We need to hear from him. Thank you, Shawn

Pray for Liberty

Pray for Brother

Please I am asking everyone that knows how to pray my grandson is hearing voices that tell him to kill himself. He is under watch at a facility. Please pray that the only voice he hears is the Holy Spirit. Pray for his life and salvation Theresa

Pray for Brother

Pray for Liberty

Thank you so much sister for revealing to me what the Lord is doing in my life. I will begin to ask for more wisdom and seek to being hearing more from him morning by morning. Pray I can keep up grading my mind to heavenly places. God bless you, Mulic

Pray for Liberty

Pray for New Beginning

Praise the lord for your wonderful words, and prayers on moving up to seated in heavenly places, and stop looking at low places. Pray I can begin to live as his bride, I need more of Jesus. Thanks you sister, Doneta

Pray for New Beginning

Pray for Brother

Thanks for reminding me to use my measure of Faith to do the things that Jesus told us to do to build his Kingdom not ours here on earth/ Pray I can grow my Faith in doing that. God Bless , William

Pray for Brother

Pray for Faith

Thank you sister for the prayers and reminders to just keep my focus on Jesus and cast my cares over on him, and see him restoring all that was lost, Pray I can move my Faith to a new level of doing that. God Bless you, Marline

Pray for Faith

Pray for Healing

Please continue to pray for me to stop downgrading God and begin to rehears the Good News on Healing over my own Life. I need Jesus as my Healer, pray I can grow my own Faith in that. Thank you, Rob

Pray for Healing

Pray for Sister

Thank you for the prayers of moving on with Jesus and getting out of bondage to man. Pray I can grow spiritually to live like his and get out of a bad marriage. Thanks again, Lodie

Pray for Sister

Pray for Victory

Praise the Lord for the help you gave me on seeking to get on a Journey of following Jesus and getting to know him. Pray I can do that and grow my own Faith in his promises. I need him to help me get my family back. Pray I can get my life in Gods order. Thank you so much, Melony

Pray for Victory

Thank You

Thanks so much for the guidance prayers on the washing of the water of the word delivering me from the inside out. Pray I can begin to sow so I can grow and begin to walk in his promises. Thank you for the help, Anna

Thank You

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord so glad I found you Prophetess. I am blessed by having heard to get my mind on things Above and seek after the things of the Spirit, and focus on getting more of Jesus. Pray I can continue to do that. Bless you, Augustin

Praise the Lord

Pray for Healing

Thanks so much for reminding me to get my mind on the word and sow it so I can grow my Faith in Jesus as my Healer. Jerry

Pray for Healing

Pray for Joy

Please pray for me Need prayer I am depressed and need help. Thank you, Kate

Pray for Joy

Pray for Faith

Please pray for me. I am not well and Iâm going threw something with my soul! Thank you, Garland

Pray for Faith

Pray for Strength

Please pray for the Lord to strengthen me and keep me strong spirit, soul, and body/ I need stronger bones. I fall a lot. Thanks so much, Kerry

Pray for Strength

Pray for Direction

Praise the Lord for your wonderful counsel an prayers on just growing Spiritually knowing the Lord already has a plan. Pray I can begin to fit in with his plan, and walk by Faith to a new beginning. God Bless you,   Faith. 

Pray for Direction


Thank you for your reply Ms Terry I have better understanding now how to come the Lord Jesus Christ. James


Pray for Faith

Please pray for the Lord to restore my eyes and grant me new vision. Thank you so much, Kevin

Pray for Faith

Pray for Sister

Thank you for the guidance on casting all my cares on the lord and stop looking at problems. Pray I can move my mind to thinking on things above and hear more about the things of the Spirit, God Bless you, Karen

Pray for Sister


Thank you so much for your guidance and direction on seeking Jesus with all my heart and learning to hear his voice so I can grow up spiritually and live like his bride. God Bless you sister, Andito


Pray for Deliverance

Please pray for me to get out of emotional bondage to man, and stop living a drama, and learn to follow Jesus. Thank you, Marlo

Pray for Deliverance

Pray for Sister

Please pray for me to grow my Faith in Jesus taking care of me, so I can stop living in Lack. I need more Faith in Jesus. Pray for my Faith to arise. Thanks , Heddie

Pray for Sister

Pray for Peace

Praise the Lord sister for your excellent wisdom and prayers. I will just seek the Lords will knowing he already has a plan for our future and how I can take care of my mother. Pray for me to just learn to delight myself in him so he can work all things together for our good. God Bless you, Cassandra

Pray for Peace

Pray for Brother

Please pray for me to get my mind Renewed to the things of the Spirit, and get out of emotional bondage to women. I need to grow up Spiritually and get my mind on things above. Thanks Ted

Pray for Brother

Pray for Deliverance

Please pray for me, I'm having im 52 years old and I'm having a hard times I'm being I'm living in a sober living home and I'm be subjected to unfair treatments and I would like for you all to pray for me because I don't know what to do but leave and go somewhere that I can make it in life.Thank you James

Pray for Deliverance

Pray for Direction

Please lift my husband Fred in prayer the he will successfully catch a flight and come home in Jesus name I pray! Naomi

Pray for Direction

Pray for Sister

Please pray for Pasty who needs to know the Lord. Pray the Lord will draw her to hear, and open her heart to receive Jesus. Thank you, Samuel

Pray for Sister

Pray for Comfort

Please continue to pray for me to be made whole and begin to see the Lord taking care of me as my healer. Thank you, Olivia

Pray for Comfort

Pray for Peace

Pray for me to cast the care of my husband on the Lord and stop living in emotional bondage to man, and get my life in pursuit of Jesus. I want to grow up spiritually and live like his Bride, pray I can move on and seek more of him. Thanks so much for the reminder, Stephanie

Pray for Peace

Pray for Faith

Praise the Lord for the reminder that all Lack is due to needing more of Jesus. Pray I can get on my own Journey of following Jesus and seeking the things which are above/ not my cares and woes. Pray I can get some wisdom for my own life. Thank you so much, Joann

Pray for Faith

Thank You

Thank you so much for the guidance and prayers on getting out of emotional bondage to man, and seeking to get more of Jesus and live like his Bride. I want to move on and get my Life in Gods order, Pray I can break out of this bondage and do that. Thanks so much for your counsel, Jennifer

Thank You

Pray for Brother

Please pray for me, 39 year old Divorced Dad(Jordan Lee Vira) with 3 children I am Working part-time and struggling to stay afloat, trying to survive in a Weekly/Monthly Suite but choosing to look beyond the veil and welcome Spiritual Abundance and Spiritual Wealth in every area of our lives especially for our homeless living situation. Thank you Jordan

Pray for Brother

Pray for Faith

Please pray for me to learn how to stand on the Promises and lay hold on them, and stop rehearsing my problems. I need to learn to live by Faith. Thanks for the prayers, Tosha

Pray for Faith

Pray for Peace

Please pray that God softens my husband's heart, brings him home and reunites our family. Please pray that God removes the influence of my mother in law from my marriage. She does not respect marriage and promotes separation. Thank you so much. Melissa

Pray for Peace

Pray for Sister

Please continue to pray for me to just focus on getting more of Jesus and stop the religious mumbo jumbo. and sit at his feet listening for his voice, and just allowing the Holy Spirit to perfect in me and through me to do of his good Pleasure. God Bless you, Tonya  

Pray for Sister

Pray for Faith

Thank you for the prayers for my Healing and pain. Pray for my comfort as he promised. I need more comfort in my life and I want to see the Lord taking care of me spirit,,soul and body. God Bless you, Kimberly

Pray for Faith

Pray for Peace

Praise the Lord for your powerful words and prayers on choosing peace, and staying in the right spirit, and thinking on things above. Pray I can stay in the right spirit, and begin to pursue more of the things I need to hear from above . Iam grateful for your words. Minnie

Pray for Peace

Pray for Peace

Please pray for me to learn to choose peace and cast the care of my daughter on the Lord, and stop rehearsing the problems, and learn how to be like David rejoicing in the Lord, and getting out of bondage to my children. I need a New beginning. Pray I can move on. Thank you, Larhonda

Pray for Peace

Thank You

Thanks so much for your wisdom and counsel on how to get my life in Gods order and begin to grow spiritually and just get more of Jesus / Pray I can start growing and just see him perfecting all that concerns my life. Thanks again, Carmen

Thank You


Thank you so very much for the teaching session, I took a lot of notes and will begin my Pursuit of demanding more of Jesus. I will ask, seek, knock and just expect to Hear more from him, as I desire those things above. Bless you, Bret


Pray for Deliverance

Please pray for me, I believe Ive been in delay and I want to petition heaven for my kingdom marriage Protection and healing against intruders. Thank you Jean

Pray for Deliverance

Pray for Brother

Please pray for my friend Carlos . he works 15 hr/day so can have things. He is saved but his priorities are all messed up. I pray for grace & mercy but that God breaks him so he will submit to God's will for him & family. and deliver him from alcohol. protect him/them from spiritual attack Thanks Beth

Pray for Brother

Pray for Healing

Please pray for my mother she has so much pain from a hip replacement please pray for her name Florence. Thank you. Phyllis

Pray for Healing

Pray for Healing

Thank you for praying for my Healing and my comfort. Pray I can see the Lord watching over his word in my life and being my physician and restoring health and comfort unto me. Praise the Lord for his mercy and grace. God Bless you, Angela  

Pray for Healing

Pray for Sister

Thank you for the wisdom and direction keeping my mouth rehearsing the promises, not the problem, so I can keep my Joy and win the battle, I will begin to do that as I learn to rehearse Good News over my own Life. Thanks again Dana

Pray for Sister

Pray for Brother

Please pray for my son Francisco who has been a victim of a scam and needs to be delivered from a contract that is fraud. Thank you for the prayers, Virginia

Pray for Brother

Pray for Healing

Please pray for my Brother Bill who needs Healing and is very sick/ Pray he can be comforted by the Lord, and see the Lord restoring Health and comfort unto him daily/ Pray we can begin to grow spiritually in our own lives, Thank you Liz  

Pray for Healing

Pray for Faith

Thank you so much for the encouraging prayers and counsel on just getting more of Jesus and knowing he will take care of me like he promised as I focus on him, not my cares and woes. Pray I can just choose peace, and move away from my family. I do need a place to live. God Bless you, Tina

Pray for Faith

Pray for Healing

Praise the Lord for your wonderful prayers for healing my ears. Pray I can begin to receive his wholeness and see the Lord being my Healer and restoring health and comfort unto me. Pray I can Lay Hold on more of his Grace, Bless you, Tonda

Pray for Healing

Pray for Victory

Please pray for me to grow up spiritually and get on the armor of God and learn how to Stand against the wiles of the devil. Pray I can grow my Faith in his Victory, and walk in it. Thanks for the Word. Alexander

Pray for Victory

Pray for Peace

Please continue to pray for me to rest in the Lord and be anxious for nothing, just to choose peace, and stop trying to fix anything. Pray I can learn to choose Liberty, and peace for my own life. Thank you, Kristy

Pray for Peace

Pray for Brother

Thanks for the rebuke and heads up on Downgrading God in my own life. Pray I can learn how to upgrade to heavenly places seeking those things above not beneath, and get my own Life in Gods order and start living like a Son of God. Pray I can focus on him. God Bless you, Curtis

Pray for Brother

Pray for Joy

Please pray for me to just learn how to praise the lord and be more thankful and joyful so I can keep my Joy. Pray I can enter into a new place in the spirit. Thank you, Jonette

Pray for Joy

Pray for Victory

Praise the lord for your reminding me to Speak the Good News not the problem, and start rehearsing victory like David, so I can get victory. Pray I can stop looking at the cares and woes and cast them on the Lord and choose peace. God Bless you sister for the encouragement, Sheree

Pray for Victory

Pray for Direction

Please pray for frank that he be delivered from his own self destructions. Thank you, Lorene

Pray for Direction

Pray for Faith

Please continue to pray for the Lords direction in my life and ministry. Pray I can get focused on things above and cast  the care of this issue on the Lord, and just see him granting me his wisdom day by day. Thank you, Julia

Pray for Faith

Pray for Sister

Thank you for the encouragement and prayers on hearing from the Lord, and knowing he has a plan for my life as I keep my eyes on him. Pray I can learn to hear more and begin to walk by Faith day by day. God Bless you, Tiffany

Pray for Sister


Praise the Lord for your wonderful words of wisdom on getting my mind on things above, not beneath/ Pray I can learn to do that, as I desire more of Jesus and hearing more of his ever lasting plan for me. Pray I can start this Journey with him, and begin to hear. God Bless you Mary


Pray for Peace

Thank you for the powerful guidance and prayers on getting my life in Gods order. Pray I can begin to grow spiritually and learn how to live by Faith/ I am in a troubled state and need the Lord to stand up for our Help. Pray I can see him making away where there was No way. God Bless you, Martin

Pray for Peace

Pray for Direction

Please pray for Us We Need A Financial Miracle to pay for our Bills and Everyday Living Expenses Thank-you Michael and Family

Pray for Direction

Pray for Joy

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and prayers on just keeping my mind on things above, not my cares and woes. Pray I can learn to stay heavenly minded and delight myself in the Lord, as I wait for my new Job the Lord has planned for me. God Bless you sister, Candy

Pray for Joy

Pray for Peace

Thank you for reminding me to get my mind on the things above and cast the care of my husband on the Lord, and choose peace. Pray I can stop living in bondage to man and learn how to live like the Bride of Christ. God Bless you, Tamika

Pray for Peace

Pray for Peace

Please pray for us, our apartment bldg owner has been trying to evict us for 5 yrs now. Now that the bldg is officially up for sale, The eviction tactics are illegal and based on lies. Frank & I are seniors, he is disabled, neither of us can climb stairs/need 1st floor apartment. I'd like advice/a word on how to handle this.. Thank you. Juliet

Pray for Peace

Pray for Sister

Please Pray for my Kids that they would learn to love their mother like god would want them to Thank you, Linda  

Pray for Sister

Pray for Faith

Please pray for my grandson Victor who needs Healing. Pray the Lord will restore health and comfort unto him and make him whole again. Thank you, Lora

Pray for Faith

Pray for Sister

Please pray for my daughter Izabelle and her household. Pray for direction and peace. Thank you, Connie  

Pray for Sister

Pray for Victory

Thank you for reminding me how to get my mind on things above and rehears his Victory, not the problem. Pray for me to begin to stand on his promises, and stop looking at the cares and woes of this life. I will begin to stand on Victory and start thanking the Lord ahead of time for showing us how to get it. God Bless you, Karen

Pray for Victory

Pray for Peace

Thanks for the wisdom and prayers. Pray I can grow up spiritually and learn how to live by Faith in Gods promises and choose peace in my life, and learn how to do that. Pray me and my wife can get direction and get our lives in Gods order. God Bless you, Lee

Pray for Peace

Thank You

Praise the Lord for your wisdom and direction on just getting more of Jesus and allowing his plan to unfold in his timing. Pray I can learn to do that, I need peace and a lot of his wisdom. God Bless you, Mark

Thank You

Pray for Peace

Please pray for me to hear the Lords voice to know how to walk in his wisdom, and keep my life in his order. Pray I can hear and obey and wait on him for the right renters. Thank you for the prayers, Ernestine

Pray for Peace

Thank You

Amen Amen Amen. Thanks Jesus. And thanks prophetess.. Moses

Thank You

Pray for Direction

I submit my prayer with supplication and Thanksgiving. I'm seeking Direction for this season in my life , I need a new job opportunity, meet and marry my new ordained spouse. I am widowed and in my 60s, but believe the best is yet to come. Thank you, Sandra

Pray for Direction

Pray for Peace

Thank you for pointing me to get my mind on Jesus and follow him and get my life in his order. Pray I can cast the care of my husband on the Lord, and choose peace and keep my Joy / Pray I can learn to stay on my Journey of following Jesus. God Bless you, Leti

Pray for Peace

Pray for Faith

Please continue to pray for me to know the Lord is with me and for more of his comfort and presence in my life. Pray for my Faith to arise to know him better, see him taking care of me. Thank you, Carol 

Pray for Faith

Pray for Sister

Praise the Lord sister for your lovely words on getting more of JESUS and moving on with him into the Future morning by morning hearing his voice and seeking more of him. I need more of Jesus. Pray I can grow into living like his Bride. God Bless you, Ariana  

Pray for Sister

Pray for Strength

Thanks so much for encouraging me to get more of Jesus and lay hold on more of his Promises by Faith in what Jesus has already done for me. Pray I can begin to reason and ask and knock to have more of the things of the Spirit. I need healing in my lungs. God Bless you, Brain

Pray for Strength

Pray for Faith

Please continue to pray for me to get my life in Gods order and see the Lord granting me some wisdom on how to deal with my mother. Also I need deliverance from gambling. Pray for me to get more of Jesus and learn to grow my own Faith. Thank you, Bactina

Pray for Faith

Pray for Deliverance

Pray for me about marriage, financial breakthrough and peace of mind. Thank you, Moses

Pray for Deliverance

Pray for Peace

Please pray for me to get my mind on things above not beneath. Pray I can stop living like my life is a Drama and just learn to choose peace and stop creating drama on my own. Thanks, Mary

Pray for Peace

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord for teaching me how to cast all my cares over on the Lord, and stop carrying them and trying to fix my son Eric. He needs more help then I can give him, and he is a burden/ I want to know the Lord has a plan to take care of him, and set me at Liberty to stop trying to do something, only God can do. Pray I can learn to choose peace, keep my Joy and just grow my Faith in his promises. God Bless you sister, Cheryl

Praise the Lord

Pray for Faith

Please continue to pray for my daughter Twendalin who needs Healing in her body/ Pray for her peace and for the Lord to draw her closer at this time as we wait on him to honor his Word. Thank you, Gwendolyn 

Pray for Faith

Pray for Peace

Praise the Lord for your prayers for my wife Sarah and for my peace on casting her on the Lord so he can fix her. Pray I can choose his peace and forsake all for him. Thanks for your counsel, David

Pray for Peace

Pray for Faith

Please continue to pray for me to get some wisdom for my own life, and know that the Lord is going to take care of me as I seek to delight myself in him. Pray I can keep my JOY and see the Lord providing for me at this time. Thank you for the prayers, Sabrina

Pray for Faith

Pray for Faith

Thank you for the direction on speaking good news over my life and standing on his promises, not my problem. I guess I need more Faith so pray I can get more wisdom on how to receive more of his grace. I need to pay my rent. Thank you, Patricia

Pray for Faith

Pray for Peace

Praise the Lord for your helpful wisdom and prayers for just allowing the Lord to give me his grace. I pray to see his grace abounding towards me, so I am operating on more grace and staying at peace. Thanks for the reminder, Gerry

Pray for Peace

Pray for Direction

Thank you thank you so much for getting my mind on Jesus the one taking care of me and my children/ We are in a bad place and we need him to make away to establish us right now and give me the strength to hear his voice and see what we need to do Now. God Bless you for the prayers. Thank you, Shanitkia

Pray for Direction

Pray for Healing

Please pray for my Mother Patients who is in the hospital with some serious issues. Pray the Lord will restore health and comfort unto her and resurrect her in newness of life. Pray for her comfort knowing he is there taking care of her, and ministering his grace unto her. Thanks so much, Sharon

Pray for Healing

Pray for Healing

Thank you for the Healing prayers and reminder to confess the Promises not the problems. Pray my Faith will arise to receive the fullness of his grace in my life as I need a lot of his healing touch. New Mind. God Bless you, Donta

Pray for Healing

Pray for Peace

Please pray for my son and his family; Jon, Elizabeth, Carolina & Yianni. He deals with demons of bipolar, anxiety and anger. He just texted me and asked me to please pray for him that he has a lot of anger right now. Thank you, Patricia

Pray for Peace

Pray for Deliverance

Please pray for my deliverance in need God to deliver me from monitoring spirit Thank you, Florence  

Pray for Deliverance

Pray for Faith

Father God Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus Heal and Deliver my brother from Alcholic addictions and mental and emotional disorders and set my Brother bless peace for him and family Free Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 23, Psalm 70 Thank you, JJ

Pray for Faith

Pray for Brother

Praise the Lord for your insight into the future of more of the things from eternity/ Pray I can begin to hear more and learn to listen to what the Lord wants to tell me about my own Life. I want to hear more. God Bless you, William

Pray for Brother


Thank you so much for your insight and prayers. Pray I can forsake all for Jesus, I want to stay my course with him. Pray for my husband to hear his voice/ Pray for my new beginning of hearing more. God Bless you, Julia


Pray for Faith

Thank you so much for listening and praying for my Healing and just encouraging me to wait on the Lord as my Healer. Pray I can see him taking care of me as his temple. God Bless you, Beverly

Pray for Faith

Pray for Sister

Thank you for the prayers and direction on just pursuing Jesus and getting more of him and the things of the spirit in my life. Pray I can just seek to please him, Thanks Sharon

Pray for Sister

Pray for Peace

Please pray for my mother she stands in need of prayer for her kidneys Please pray for my brother for family salvation please pray for me I have the call of God on my life I need doors to open for me please pray for my brother and his wife my brother needs a better attitude toward me and our mother he needs to call and check on our mother more Larry

Pray for Peace

Pray for Brother

Please Pray for me to hear in spirit have dreams and vision to be a flaming fire for Jesus. And visitation as well. Healing for whole back and tinnutus. Thanks and God bless David

Pray for Brother


Thank you sister for the great talk and prayers. I learned so much on how to get myeline on track with the Lord and close the door on drama, and just stay choosing peace and asking for wisdom. I just want to follow Jesus and have more of him. Thanks for the encouragement, Elizabeth


Pray for Brother

Thanks so much for getting my mind back on things above and casting down vain imaginations from this low life. Pray I can become more fully equipped to stand and move on and hear more of the Lords plan for me. I need more of his strength in my life. Peace as well. Thanks for the wisdom. Carlos

Pray for Brother

Pray for Peace

Please pray for me to learn to rest in the Lord and be anxious for nothing, allowing his plan to unfold in his timing, so I can sleep. Thank you, Donna

Pray for Peace

Pray for Deliverance

Please continue to pray for me to Hear the word and be delivered from Drugs that are destroying my life. I will do as you said and listen to the word and sow it so I can be set free from this oppression. Thank you Kevin

Pray for Deliverance

Thank You

Thanks once again for your encouraging reminders on getting my mind on Jesus and the things of the Spirit, and stop looking at my cares and woes/ Pray I can train myself to do that so I can learn to choose peace so I can keep my Joy. God Bless you, Harma

Thank You

Pray for Peace

Thanks so much for the wisdom and prayers on just being anxious for nothing, and just sitting at his feet, waiting, listening and being lead by his Spirit. Pray I can enter into his peace and let go the cares and woes of this life. Hearing his plan. Thanks again, Luke

Pray for Peace

Pray for Sister

Please pray for my husband Fred; That God will touch his heart and heal it and respond to me and bring him home to me and also to supply the finances he needs to come home. In Jesus name I pray! Naomi

Pray for Sister

Pray for Sister

Please, pray for me to have breakthroughs in areas of finances, job searching, marriage and good health and happiness in my life as well as my tampered destiny and prayers of deliverance from evil . Thank you, Ishaya

Pray for Sister

Pray for Deliverance

Please pray for me to be delivered from my own self destructions of pursuing man. I have no wisdom, and I am homeless still living a carnally minded life. I need deliverance from myself. Thanks Nora

Pray for Deliverance

Pray for Brother

Thanks so much for helping me to ask for more of Jesus and seek more of the everlasting never ending future of Following Jesus. Pray I can begin to hear his voice calling me on to higher ground. God Bless you, Phillip

Pray for Brother


Thank you so much for your insightfulness and me getting my mind on things above not beneath. Focusing on Jesus and the Future not this poor and pitiful life. Pray I can begin to do that and stop rehearsing problems, and rehears Victory. Thanks again for the breakthrough, Jenea


Pray for Peace

Thank you for teaching me to choose Peace, and keep my Joy. Pray I can stop living in Drama and move on with Jesus and keep my mind on things above. Thanks for the prayers. God Bless you, Frankie

Pray for Peace

Pray for Faith

Please continue to pray for my wholeness and for me to begin to stand on the Promises concerning my Healing. Pray I can be at peace knowing the Lord is taking care of me like he said he would Thank you, Joan

Pray for Faith

Pray for Victory

Praise the Lord for the great words of encouragement and prayers for me to Wait on the Lord knowing he is maturing and equipping me for a purpose. Pray I can hear his plan wait and listen knowing he will get me out of this Jail in his timing. Pray for me to stay at peace. God Bless you, Reginal

Pray for Victory

Pray for Brother

Thank you for the guidance and prayers on how to get my life in Gods order not my order. Pray I can stop living in bondage to my family. Pray I can seek more of Jesus and the things of the Spirit first. I will begin a new quest for his wisdom and direction for my life. Thank you, Phillip

Pray for Brother

Pray for Sister

Thank you for the direction on allowing the Lords plan for my life and for me to stop trying to make my plan. Pray I can learn to wait, hear and obey for what ever he wants. God Bless you, Joy

Pray for Sister

Pray for Healing

Thank you for the Healing prayers for my pain. Pray I can know Jesus as my healer and begin to rest in his promises. I just want to know he is taking care of me. Thank you so much, Tanya

Pray for Healing

Pray for Brother

Please pray for me to get some wisdom on how to grow my Faith and get my mind on the things of the Spirit. I am in lack/ and I was told all lack is due to needing more of Jesus. Pray I can begin to do that. Thank you, Chad

Pray for Brother

Pray for Peace

Please lift up my children and I in prayer and asking for protection for my children and I. Thank you and God bless you. Lolita

Pray for Peace

Pray for Strength

Thank you for the Healing prayers and reminder on standing in his armor, and Speaking Victory, not defeat. Pray I will keep my mind on keeping my Joy and getting his Victory as I rehears Overcoming. God Bless you, Olivia

Pray for Strength

Pray for Direction

Please help me. Iâm mentally fatigued and wanting to give up on my life and job. I keep making mistakes at work and I messed myself up. I dont know if I should be at this job or not. I need income of course but Iâm just not good anymore. My son passed and my husband left me. Iam in debt and I feel the walls closing in on me. Why cant I experience the peace that surpasses all understanding! Thank you, Twila

Pray for Direction

Pray for Sister

Please pray for me to get my mind on JESUS and begin to pursue him and stop looking for anything from this Life. Pray I can learn to get more of Jesus/ Thank you, Susan

Pray for Sister

Pray for Healing

 Please pray for me to grow my Faith in Jesus as my Healer and comforter. Pray for my Faith to arise to receive more of his Grace in my life, and just learn to cast all my cares over on him, and lay hold on his Promises. I need a healing touch from the Lord. God Bless you, Karen

Pray for Healing

Pray for Direction

Please pray that I will find a new job that pays more money so that I can stop struggling to support my family and that God will teach my husband Noel how to love me again and restore my marriage. Deliver him from selfishness that he will not only think of himself but assist me financially. Thank you, Donnette

Pray for Direction

Pray for Peace

Please pray for me, My marriage is facing a major challenge. My husband is very angry and threatening to leave the marriage Thank you, Blessing

Pray for Peace

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